
Ukhostels.com is now Londonbackpackers.com

  • 09 Dezember, 2021
  • londonbackpackers
Ukhostels.com is now Londonbackpackers.com

If you’ve ever needed to book hostels in London then you’ve probably visited ukhostels.com, our dedicated website. You’ll be happy to hear that we’re still providing the best youth hostels in London, but we want to make sure our regulars and people who are new to London backpacking are aware of a change we’ve made. The name of our domain, which is where you’ll find our website, has been changed from ukhostels.com to londonbackpackers.com.

Although that’s a big change as far as we’re concerned, anyone looking for youth hostels in London will find themselves working with a website which is as efficient, user friendly and informative as it’s ever been. The look and feel of the site will remain the same, with a clear, information-packed home page detailing facilities such as free bed linen and free Wi-Fi internet access. The aim of our website is to make it easy for anyone trying to book a central hostel in London to find out exactly what we offer and catch up on the kind of information and tips which will help to make their trip to this wonderful city a complete success.

One important detail which has changed as a result of the switch is our email address. It used to be info@ukhostels.com but has now changed to info@londonbackpackers.com. We pride ourselves on always being here to serve our guests, even before they’ve actually arrived in our hostels, so if you have any questions about making a booking or the London Backpackers experience in general, then please feel free to get in touch with us using our new email address.

Exploring our website will be as easy as it’s ever been. We’ve still got dedicated pages covering details such as:
• The convenience of our central London location and the travel links to major transport hubs such as Heathrow Airport and Victoria Station
• Our tailored group bookings and the range of multi-bed rooms we provide
• Frequently asked questions with answers designed to make your trip to London run as smoothly as possible.

In addition to this, and perhaps most importantly of all, it’s still as quick and simple as it’s ever been to make your booking – simply choose your room, enter a few details and pay the value for money price and before you know it you’ll be looking forward to your dream trip to London. If you have any questions to ask before making a booking then you can contact us on the new email address already given or by ringing +44 (0)20 8203 1319. Any links which operate from ukhostels.com will automatically be redirected to londonbackpackers.com, so you won’t experience any difference in your experience of exploring our domain or making the most of its many features.

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